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How to Overcome A Temptation or Sin

We can overcome any temptation or sin that troubles us.

Jesus did and he lives in us. John 16:33; Psm. 34:19; 1 Corinthians 10:13

In Christ we have put on the new man which is Christ in us.

2 Corinthians 5:17; Colossians 3:1-10; Eph. 4:17-24.

We activate the power of Christ in us by:

  • Believing this power is true.

Faith comes by understanding through knowledge we gain

In the Word of God.

  • Speaking the power into activation.

Make confessions of your knowledge.

Speak against the temptation or sin.

Tell the sickness to leave your body.

Tell the temptation to leave your mind.

Understand: Sickness is in the flesh of your body – speak it out.

Temptations are in the flesh of your mind – overcome it

in your mind by speaking against it.

Romans 21:1; James 1:12-20.

We can overcome in our minds because we now have the mind of Christ, 1Chorinthians 2:12-16. We activate the “mind of Christ” by: Philippians 2:5-8.

  • Being humble to the will of God.

  • Serve others – Bless and not Curse.

  • Show Jesus coming out of you.

Jesus is in us, we must decide to do things and at that

point the power of Christ activates in us and we have

the strength to do as we need. Our decision to do the

things of Christ is the ON button that activates the power

of God in us.

Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

The Greek literally reads:

“ I am all things for Him who empowers and energizes me.

Because Christ is in me, energizing me, I can do all things for Him.

Thus, I can overcome any sin or temptation that is giving me problems.

If Christ is in you? And He is when you are saved,

Do things as though it were Christ doing it.

Ask, “Would Jesus do this?”

The Christ in you will give you strength when you need it…Philippians 4:13.

Why is sin still there? . . . . Romans 7:7-25.

How do I get rid of it?

  • Speak against it.

  • Decide you do not want to do this any longer.

  • The power of Christ in you will activate as strength and you will overcome it.

  • If you are still having trouble talk to God more.

  • If you are still having trouble call Your Daddy!.

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