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Power in Your Words

We are told in Ephesians 1:3 that we have been given all spiritual blessings in heavenly places by God our Father. This is made possible by Jesus Christ, according to God's good pleasure and will (1:5). By this great revelation, we now know that it is God's will that all spiritual blessings are at our disposal to use according to our Heavenly Father's good pleasure. Understanding these spiritual blessings and knowing how to access them is what makes the difference in them remaining in heavenly places or becoming reality in the natural realm.

Throughout Jesus' ministry, he was trying to get people to understand the spiritual blessings in heavenly places can be brought into the natural realm and by faith and speaking them into being. Things we need for life and existence come to us by being honest in our dealing, working to get what we need, and using our faith in Jesus Christ to give us means that are spiritual and not natural. King Solomon was given revelation concerning these things when he wrote in Ecclesiastes 2:24, "Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labor. This also, I saw was from the hand of God." He went on to explain that those whom God approves as good he gives wisdom and knowledge for their labors, and those God sees as unbelieving, he leaves them to gather and collect for their work.

For God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy to the man who is good in His sight; but to the sinner, He gives the work of gathering and collecting, that he may give him who is good before God.

[Ecclesiastes 2:26]

One of our greatest challenges in faith is understanding how to use what God has given us through Jesus Christ to bring the blessings of the spiritual realm into reality with the natural realm.

To make this easier for our understanding we can look at the person that used to be Blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52. As Jesus was going into the city of Jericho he was met with a great multitude of people. It was common for beggars and the sick to sit along the roadside near the entrances of a city, hoping to gain some benevolence from travelers entering the city. One of these such people was Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus. When he heard the gathering of the large crowds he heard them saying they had come out to see Jesus of Nazareth who was entering the city. Bartimaeus began calling out to Jesus say, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" The crowd tried to hush the blind man by warning him to be quiet, but this did not stop Bartimaeus for calling out his name even more. Jesus hearing the man's cries, stopped and commanded for him to be brought forth. Jesus asked him, "What do you want me to do for you?" Bartimaeus replied, "Rabboni, that I may receive my sight." With that Jesus said to him, "Go your way; your faith has made you well." He immediately received his sight and followed Jesus as one of his disciples.

The point that should be realized about Bartimaeus is when everyone was telling him to be quiet, he spoke out and with his words, blind Bartimaeus became Bartimaeus the disciple of Jesus Christ. With his faith and speaking with his mouth, his words brought the spiritual blessings of God that are in heavenly places into the reality of Bartimaeus' natural world. His will to have Jesus bless his eyes became real because he refused to be silent. He could have kept quiet and as Jesus passed by, this blind man could have been encouraged in his faith that the Son of David was finally here as the prophets had told them. His faith could have been stirred by the fact he understood who Jesus was and now this blind man had salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. This is where most people live: in faith that Jesus is the Christ, the promised one. But only those who dare to speak with their mouth and believe in their heart that God has given us the ability by His good pleasure to bring blessings in heavenly places into the reality of the natural world, only these will actually experience the reality of their faith.

Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." The things we say will cause life in our natural life or they will bring death into our existence. We who love what God has done will enjoy the life that God gives us through the things we speak in faith. Our words shape what will take place in the natural realm. By what we say, God responds to us because what is in our heart will come out of our mouth.

Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit. Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words, you will be condemned.

[Matthew 12:33-37 NKJV]

Because our words will reveal what is in our heart, God does things for us according to what we say. Through Moses God told the children of Israel, "As I live, says the Lord, just as you have spoken in my hearing, so I will do to you" (Numbers 14:23). This gives us the ability to change the way things are in our lives by what we say and do. Bartimaeus changed his existence because he spoke for Jesus to be merciful to him so he could receive his sight. It was because he spoke out that his desires were met. Had he remained silent he would have remained blind. We can speak out and change the ways things are in our lives by using the power we have through Jesus Christ. We have the gifts of the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, and the Armor of God to use for our benefit, and we can change the way things are in our lives.

If you do not like the conditions you work under because the people you are around each day are difficult to deal with. Change it by the things you say and do. Speak blessings into the people who are hard to deal with and speak blessings over your job and the business you work for. This will change the entire atmosphere of your workplace. In the early 1990's I was the pastor of a church in Summerville, Tennessee. The church was so small I had to work another job so we could have income for our family to live on. I was hired by the clerk of the county court to be an assistant clerk for processing the court documents and other administrative requirements of the county clerk. At first, it was a somber place to work. No one seemed to like being there and I wanted to make our work atmosphere a place of joy and happiness for those we serviced in the county each day. I started by speaking up and saying things like, "It sure was a good day to be the blessing for our citizens as we help them through their difficult times." I would always tell the clerk of the court, "Thank You for my pay this month, You mean I get to do this great job and get paid money also? Wow, what a great job this is!" These and many more things I would say during the day, while the entire time I was praying for each person to see the joy we could have by lightening up and allowing the goodness of God to fill them with joy that they have a job and that the job was a good place for us to be every day. It took about a year before I say the changes taking place. People started coming to work with joy and happiness over the fact they had a good place to work. Soon everyone in the entire building started catching the happy fever, and all the offices started saying how enjoyable it was to work in such a good place each day. We began having laughter and many outward expressions of joy throughout the workday. By the time I left there, three years later, there was an energy of joy and happiness in every office of the courthouse. We can change our existing situations, but we must speak up, and speak the Word of God over every situation in our lives. Then we will see the power of God working through us to truly change what is difficult to life with.

The same things can be done for sickness, learning difficulties if you are having trouble in school; problems you are trying to work out at your job; abilities to manage and grow things you have been given authority over; and many more things you may feel needs to change in your life. You may have family needs where individuals are difficult to deal with. Continue to speak blessings over them by praying in the name of Jesus Christ that the eyes of their understanding are opened and that they receive wisdom and knowledge as they seek the Lord for answers and guidance. Speak blessings of spiritual consciousness to draw them into God with love and peace. By using the power we have been given by the Lord, through the Holy Spirit, you can change your circumstances to glorify God in what we say and do.

We reap what we sow. If we plant blessings with our words, we will reap blessings for that which was spoken in faith if we do not give up.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. [Galatians 6:9 NKJV]

When you do not have much, use what you do have to be a blessing, and God will use our little things to bring great blessings. Plant seeds of faith by using what you have and the Lord will make it have the effects of much more than what it is. If we use $1.00 to bless someone, God will manifest that $1.00 to bless those you intend it for, as if it were $100.00. The same is true with your talents, time, and love. Whatever you plant in faith, using it to bless others, God will manifest its effect to be hundreds and thousands of times greater, simply because it was planted in faith.

When you stop to realize the power we have in Christ Jesus when you use your words as blessings and not curses, you will become the glory of God to those you are trying to minister to. When you use what you have with honesty and integrity, God will multiply your harvest to hundreds and thousands of times great, for His glory.

My pastor, Scott Howard of Life Church, Mobile, Alabama share in his message ten confessions of faith that can change your life and build you up in the kingdom of God. If you will speak these ten confessions over yourself daily, you will change the atmosphere of your life. You will see God moving in you and using your little to become much.

Here are the ten confessions you should speak over yourself to change your world:

  1. God is with me, I am dearly loved. [John 3:16]

  2. I am increasing in wisdom, maturity, and favor, with God and man. Jesus had favor with God and man, and as he is, so am I on this earth. [Matthew 2:52; John 14:12]

  3. The eyes of my understanding are enlightened every day to the perfect will of God in my life. It is my reality. [Ephesians 1:17-18]

  4. I am free from fear today because God is my father. He loves me perfectly, provides for me completely, and protects me continually.

  5. The hand of God rests upon me and my household. The blessing of God is on me and in me.

  6. I am walking in health, glory, strength, victory, success, and prosperity.

  7. No evil can attach itself to me, no plague can come near my life, family, possessions, or my purpose, in Jesus name.

  8. My mouth speaks wisdom and heart is filled with understanding.

  9. It shall be well with me and my family and every area of our lives shall flourish. We are blessed to be a blessing.

  10. I am who God says I am. I can have what God says I can have. I can do what God says I can do

Use your words to bring the power of God in your into a reality in your life by saying these ten confessions to yourself often. Say them with faith that the power of God in you and through the Holy Spirit, will bring them to pass in your life. Then watch your world change to the things you desire in Jesus Christ.

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