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Love and Forgiveness

Whenever you are having problems with you family arguing and the adult siblings don't seem to get along, this study can help to solve the problem. But be warned you will be sharing this at high risk everyone could get mad at you. Now that everyone is grown and having your own families, extended family relationships change and get mottled up. Your home can quit being a place of peace and joy when you are all together. Everyone has their reasons for feeling the way they do, but any misunderstandings or arguments need to stop! It has to stop or it will destroy your extended family as a unit.

You should go to God for wisdom and understanding for ways to get your family back like it was with joy and happiness for everyone. Godly answers to the problems can truly end the shadow of discord, but each person must take this information very personal. The information can only be received by you for you. It is not meant to compare to someone else or for you to see you were the one doing right and they need to change. Your attitude must be internal for yourself only.

Wisdom from Above James 3:13-18.

Love and forgiveness are twins joined at the hip. You cannot have one without the other.

If you separate them they will both die.

Galatians 5:16-25 Works of the flesh and fruit of the spirit.

All people are living in the works of the flesh or the fruit of the spirit. To walk in the spirit requires you to be saved by faith in Jesus Christ. To maintain walking in the spirit you must have the Spirit of God which you get through baptism in the Spirit.

When you are having problems with someone and you want to do something about it you first must change yourself by using the Fruit of the Spirit.

Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control.

If you have changed from living in the flesh and are learning to project the Spirit, problems you are having with people will become less and less. This type understanding and lifestyle is wisdom that comes from God and we must learn to life with His wisdom if we intend of getting along with people.

In James 3:13-18 we are taught how to make this work.

We are to project fruits of righteousness at the same time receive things from others in righteousness.

You may be showing fruits of righteous living as you love on people and they are still responding in ways that are works of the flesh. The way you get people to change their attitude with you is by receiving them in righteousness, not by using works of the flesh.

The three things that change people are God, children, and love.

Since we are not God and we are not children anymore, the only thing we can use to make a difference in people is love. Love is imparted through the fruit of the Spirit.

Formula as shown in James 3:13-18

Love + Forgiveness = Fruit of the Spirit in relationship

Love generates Forgiveness

Forgive empowers love. . . . which results in love, joy, peace, etc.

To not love or forgive empowers evil which leaves you hopeless, lonely, and defeated.

Attitudes not wanting to forgive are being fueled by the works of the flesh.

Attitudes wanting to forgive are being fueled by the spirit of God and brings freedom over that things that needs forgiven..

A Statement of Love with forgiveness:

“I love you greater than your ability to always do things the way I think you should.”

This statement eliminate giving people time to clean up their act. . . because you are forgiving their act.

You do not have to be concerned with where they are or how far they have come.

But what if I don’t want to do this?

You do not have a choice!!

You are not your own. You are bought with a price: 1Cor 6:19-20 says, “. . . you are not your own. For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God’s.

The price was Christ on the cross. Once you have been saved you are no longer your own, you belong to God and these things are His will.

Everyone here wants what God is willing to give them through Bless Ministries, which is God’s will for you. Living in His Spirit ,doing spirit things, in such a manner day-to-day life experiences are Spirit controlled by using the Fruit of the Spirit, the Gifts of the Spirit, and the Armor of God, is His will (Galatians 5:27; Romans 8:1-11).

I Choose to be a person that is a blessing to everyone, not just my family.

I want to be a person who is filled with compassion and wisdom of God; and not a person who lives in hypocrisy. I choose to love and forgive by the power of God that is in me.

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